I've been planning for this for a few months now. Last year, 2018, Fender Japan released the "Offset Telecaster;" a Jazzmaster body with tele-style configuration. I've been playing my Jazzmaster for 2 years now and apart from its hipster-esque aesthetic and vibe, I find that it is a comfortable-bodied instrument with a lot of tonal possibilities. I have always wanted to try a Tele but never liked the weight nor shape of it, but I truly love the way the bridge construction and its pickups becomes key to its tonal characteristics. Hence, a few months ago, I ordered an Tele-master (Short for Telecaster + Jazzmaster) body with rudimentary hardware and electronics whilst at the same time thinking about this project. Along the way I've saved up for some quality components, and told myself that this was going to be a "Labour of Love.